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哈苏 XCD 75mm f/3.4 P 评测:一款便携、令人赏心悦目的镜头

左舟 编辑:阮至航 发布于:2024-12-17 17:36 PConline原创



Close-up of a black Hasselblad camera lens with the brand name engraved on the upper cylinder. The text


哈苏 75mm f/3.4 和所有 XCD 镜头一样的设计风格外观。

哈苏 XCD 75mm f/3.4 P 评测:感觉如何

巧合的是,新的 75mm 镜头的物理长度为 75mm,并且具有非常紧凑的机身设计和极简的 14 盎司(398 克)重量,确实很好地代表了它的便携式同名镜头。镜头正面专为 72 毫米滤镜切割,并配有经典的哈苏金属遮光罩。除了手动对焦环外,镜头上没有任何控件,它没有我们在高端镜头上获得的手动对焦离合器。手动对焦是通过有线进行的,但至少动作是流畅的,并且通过练习甚至可以精确对焦。

Close-up of a black Hasselblad camera, focusing on the textured zoom or focus ring of the lens. The brand name



A black and white photo of a city street corner with a


等效59 毫米左右的全画幅镜头焦段非常适合街头照片,和普通的 50 毫米焦段镜头相比较,59mm具备更近一步的专注力,更适合街头上的特写视角。

尽管 P 系列镜头因为价格较低而速度较慢,但它们仍然按照与所有 XCD 镜头相同的结构标准制造,因此使用起来感觉很棒,同时还采用完全防风雨密封的设计来保护它们。

Close-up of a camera lens with an aperture marking of 3.4/75 on the rim. The lens is dark with a reflective surface showing a hint of color. The background is softly blurred.


75mm 的主要缺点是光圈相对较慢。这样可以降低成本,但您可能需要更多的光线。

A person with long brown hair and a beard wearing a black beanie and a denim jacket. They are standing against a gray background, looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression.


作为头肩人像镜头,75mm 还可以,尽管我可能会站得更远一些并裁剪一点。

哈苏 XCD 75mm f/3.4 P 评测:拍摄方式

75mm 焦距为我们提供了大约 60mm 的全画幅等效值,这确实是一款不错的街头照片镜头。它适用于头部和肩部肖像,可能带有一点裁剪,也非常适合作为全身肖像镜头。

A person with long brown hair and a beard wearing a black beanie, red and black plaid shirt, and a denim vest stands in front of a gray background, looking directly at the camera.


这里的焦距约为 60 毫米,非常适合在街上拍摄环境照片或全身肖像。

A man with gray hair and a beard is holding a camera up to his eye, taking a photo. He is standing outdoors in front of a building, wearing a dark jacket, with a focused expression.


P 系列镜头的主要优点是重量更轻、光学元件更小,非常方便。


A menu titled



Two men sit across from each other at a wooden table in a cozy pub. The walls are adorned with beer signs, and a TV displays a sports game. Stockings hang along the wall under festive decorations, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.


X2D 正确完成工作时,合焦会很快。视野看起来非常自然。

f/2.8 拍摄时有一个戏剧性的猫眼效果,碰巧的是我非常喜欢这样的效果。该镜头也没有 纵向色差,并且很好地校正了眩光和重影。不过,在 f/3.4 时有相当数量的渐晕,考虑到镜头被设计得尽可能小,这也是无法避免的

A man in a gray blazer crosses a city street at a crosswalk. Cars are lined up on the road, and a building with storefronts sits in the background. The sun shines brightly, creating a flare effect. Snow is piled along the sidewalk.



A building with a minimalist architectural design features a vertical sign that reads


使用这款最新的哈苏镜头,整个图像的清晰度非常出色。图像的中心在 f/3.4 时充满了细节,当你缩小镜头时,真的不需要变得更好。角落在放大显示出一丝柔和,但随着镜头的光圈缩小,清晰度会非常好、非常迅速地锐化。这款 75 毫米镜头的整体清晰度会让任何摄影师满意,并在最新的哈苏机身上轻松管理一亿像素。

A bare tree branches out against a clear blue sky, framing a modern building with yellow and white geometric sections. The sun casts shadows, highlighting the contrast between the natural and architectural elements.


75mm 镜头非常清晰,f/3.4 的暗角控制也的确不错。

A test image comparing two sections labeled f/3.4 and f/6.8. Each section has a detailed optical pattern, currency notes, and color swatches from cyan to magenta.


哈苏 75 毫米在测试图表上做得很好,保留了很多细节。

75mm f/3.4 P 延续了这一期望,因为最小对焦距离距离传感器平面 0.55 米,并且仅提供 1:5.8 的复制率。虽然这不是微距镜头但却有不错的对焦速度并且手动对焦在近距离拍摄时足够精确。

A person taking a photo through a glass window with a camera on a tripod. The reflection shows part of a street scene outside, with buildings and a hint of a snowy landscape. Text on the glass is partially visible.


A woman in a pink coat and sunglasses walks down a city street, talking on her phone. She carries a tote bag and is passing by a graffiti-covered utility box. Snow is piled along the curb, and houses are visible in the background.



哈苏 XCD 75mm f/3.4 P 评测:便携但令人愉悦


Black and white portrait of a man with a mustache, looking thoughtfully out of a window, with light falling on his face from the side. The expression is contemplative and the background is blurred.



A man in a gray jacket walks a small dog on a leash past a red ladder leaning against a building with a bright yellow doorway. Another person in black workout clothes stands near the entrance.


哈苏产品阵容中最接近的竞争对手是 65mm f/2.8 XCD 镜头,它确实具有轻微的光圈优势。但是,我认为我更喜欢 75mm 镜头的稍长焦距和更小的尺寸。这个系列中真正的明星是 80mm f/1.9,它将提供更浅的景深,并且在光学上令人难以置信,但尺寸和价格都大大上升。你也可以走 90mm f/3.2 路线,它更适合专门的肖像,并且仍然会提供更柔和的背景,但也需要 1000 美元的保费。

Two construction workers in safety gear stand on a ladder against an orange tarp-covered fence. One worker holds the ladder while the other works above. A puddle on the ground reflects their image and the bright orange covering.



Close-up of a Hasselblad camera with a 75mm XCD lens against a dark background. The focus is on the lens and camera body, highlighting the brand name and details.


75mm P必须被视为65mm镜头的替代品,最重要的是,它将以其图像质量和便携性赢得用户。作为一款方便携带的镜头,它也可以用于偶尔的肖像拍摄,哈苏已经制作了一款很好的产品。

A person poses playfully in front of a billboard displaying black-and-white portraits of various people. Snow is visible on the ground, and the billboard has


A small courtyard with a wooden fence and a bare tree in the foreground, casting long shadows on the snow-covered ground. Brick buildings and balconies are visible in the background, partially lit by the sun.




哈苏 75mm f/3.4 P 相机至 2300 美元这与65mm f/2.8 售价 2750 美元,你可以去高端80mm f/1.9 售价 4845 美元以获得尽可能浅的景深。哈苏的 90mm f/2.5 V也是一个选项,但坦率地说,它完全涵盖了不同的拍摄范围。


是的。如果你正在寻找 X2D 的普通镜头,但目前还没找到合适的镜头,75mm f/3.4 P或许会很适合你。它可以为您的钱包节省一些现金,并具有均衡的光学性能。

本文来源:petapixel,Chris Niccolls

哈苏    XCD镜头   f/3.4   P系列



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